This year’s 61st Thessaloniki International Film Festival (Tiff 61) is for the first time focusing the attention of both professionals and public to Cinematographers (aka Directors of Photography)
The Meet the Future project assigned eight young Cinematographers, either participants of a major international film festival – Cannes, Venice, Locarno etc -or awarded by the GSC (George Valsamis, Asimina-Lydia Dionyssopoulos, Yannis Kanakis, Yannis Karabatsos, Filie Olsefski, Stelios Pissas, Yannis Simos & Manu Tilinski) to film an equal number of single minute promo films. Meet the Future took place with the cooperation of the GSC – Greek Society of Cinematographers – and with the support of Canon and Arri. All production took place under the guidance of Dionyssis Efthimiopoulos GSC (DoP) and Alexis Alexiou (Film Director) and the participation of sponsors and cooperators of the GSC [Calavitis (ARRI), Manios (CANON), WhiteBalance-Κτιστάκης, Authorwave].
We now present you these films. Enjoy….