The Greek Society of Cinematographers participated at the Imago Conference of the Balkan Cinematographer Societies that took place during the 2018 Manaki bros Festival at Bitola. The GSC was represented by Yannis Daskalothanasis GSC and Zaphiris Epaminondas GSC
The 4th Balkan Conference 25-26 09 2018
The perticipants of the 4th Balkan Conference. Front row, left to right Milos Spasojevic SAS Nigel Walters BSC Roger Deakins CBE, ASC BSC, James Ellis Deakins, Gena Teodosievska (Manaki Film Festival Director)
Left to right Yiannis Daskalothanasis GSC, Roger Deakins BSC- ASC Blagoja Kunovski Dore (Artistic Director) James Ellis Deakins